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Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso
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* config.h Mac
* This file contains macintosh-specific defines, types, etc for Think C and MPW.
* from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
* Copyright 1991 Persistence of Vision Team
* This copyrighted software is freely distributable. The source and/or
* object code may be copied or uploaded to communications services so long as
* this notice remains at the top of each file.
* If any changes are made to the program, you must clearly indicate in the
* documentation and in the program startup message who it was who made the
* changes. The documentation should also describe what those changes were.
* This software may not be included in whole or in part into any commercial
* package without the express written consent of the PV-Team. It may,
* however, be included in other freely distributed software so long as proper
* credit for the software is given. No more than five dollars U.S. ($5) can
* be charged for the copying of this software and the media it is provided on,
* i.e. a shareware distribution company may only charge five U.S dollars or
* less for providing this software.
* This software is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty.
* Although the authors have attempted to find and correct any bugs in the
* software, they are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of the
* software. The authors are under no obligation to provide service,
* corrections, or upgrades to this package.
* Despite all the legal stuff above, if you have any problems with the
* program the POV-Team would like to hear about them. Also, if you have any
* comments, questions or enhancements, please contact the POV-Team on the
* Compuserve Online Service in the COMART forum message section 16 (!GO
* COMART). The CIS COMART forum is devoted to computer generated artwork like
* raytracing, animation and fractals. For more information regarding the POV
* team see the file POVLEGAL.TXT. For more information on Compuserve call
* (in the U.S.) 1-800-848-8990.
* Drew Wells
* PV-Team Leader
* CIS: 73767,1244
* This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12 written by
* David Buck, a POV-Team member.
* (David Buck CIS: 70521,1371 Internet: dbuck@ccs.carleton.ca)
#define EPSILON 1.0e-5
// This is also the default. Set here in case someone decides to lower the default later.
#define MAX_CONSTANTS 1000
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h> /* fmod, floor */
#ifdef applec
#include <sysequ.h>
#define TICKS (*(long*)Ticks)
#endif applec
#ifdef THINK_C
#define TICKS Ticks
#endif THINK_C
#ifdef applec
#endif applec
#ifdef THINK_C
#endif THINK_C
#define ALTMAIN 1
#define DBL double
#define SQRT sqrt
#define DBL_FORMAT_STRING "%lf"
#define TEST_ABORT if (Stop_Flag) return;
#define COOPERATE Cooperate();
#define PARAMS(x) x
#define volatile
/* defines for special binary (raw, uncooked) modes of fopen() */
#define READ_FILE_STRING "rb"
#define WRITE_FILE_STRING "wb"
/* defines for machine-specific PaletteOption settings */
#define NORMAL '0'
#define GREY 'G'
#define START_TIME tused = TICKS; in_parse = 0;
#define STOP_TIME
#define TIME_ELAPSED (TICKS - tused ) / 60;
extern int in_parse;
void restore_state(void);
int first_time_called(void); // added definition to extinguish MPW warning [esp]
#define STARTUP_POVRAY int Display_Started = FALSE; int Shadow_Test_Flag = FALSE; if (first_time_called())
#define exit(x) { close_all(); restore_state();}
#define malloc(x) POV_malloc(x)
#define calloc(size, nitems) POV_calloc(size, nitems)
#define free(x) POV_free(x)
void *POV_malloc(size_t size);
void POV_free(void *ptr);
void *POV_calloc (size_t nmemb, size_t size);
#include "stdio_p2w.h" // moved definitions in here to be more self-contained [esp]